
Right click on mac desktop
Right click on mac desktop

A double-tap using two fingers brings up Mission Control. Swiping left or right using two fingers will switch out your full-screen apps. When you have an app such as Safari open, you can swipe between pages using one (or more) fingers to swipe left or right to move through the pages, rather than having to click on the tabs. You may also want a faster tracking speed if you have a larger screen. Under normal circumstances, people may have somewhat different preferences when it comes to how fast they want their mouse pointer to move across a screen, but this is especially useful – necessary – for those who don’t have steady hands. This one is pretty cool if you want to quickly inspect something that is a little too small to see You can quickly return to a normal zoom state by repeating the same double-tap gesture.

right click on mac desktop

Choose to use a Smart zoom gesture – a double-tap with one finger.From System Preferences > Mouse, you can change many other settings for your Magic Mouse.

Right click on mac desktop