If you thought you were being private with anything you were doing on your phone or laptop, I don’t know what to tell you. And here’s my biggest problem with this: I don’t get why people don’t like this. They know before you know what you like and want. There’s a reason why whenever you think of a product it magically appears on your phone. Add in the fact that Facebook owns Instagram and WhatsApp and you have to start questioning why everyone was so goddamn surprised that Zuckerberg was selling everyones’ data to corporations. January 2018 Facebook was said to have 2.2 BILLION monthly active users. It was a genius and dastardly rebranding, and it worked to perfection. If you didn’t get on Facebook you were an outsider, thus making you a dweeb. Making Facebook initially as an “invite only” exclusive club made it mysterious and intriguing. So they turned to Harvard, people trust Harvard because they’re smart and must know better. No one would have signed up for this service knowing the government was behind it. LifeLog wasn’t getting any spins in the club. Facebook launching the same day Darpa publicly announced the shutdown of LifeLog isn’t a conspiracy. People constantly offering up their exact locations, spending habits, favorite brands, musicians, movies, pictures of family, close friends, known associates, every meaningless thought that crossed their mind, all within arm’s reach for anyone and everyone who cares to look. Hell, I’m still too busy doing that to really care. I was too busy arguing that Brady with his two rings was far superior to Captain 1-and-Done in Indianapolis to be concerned with my digital footprint and what kind of personal information I was giving away for free to advertisers. I was 14 when it was canceled, I was too busy making sure my Myspace page had the proper background and videos autoplaying on a daily basis to be concerned with such nonsense like widespread government surveillance technology. That’s precisely what happened here when Blanco sent me this yesterday. And what ends up happening is I have an idea of what I want to tackle on a given week, and then on Saturday someone sends me one I had never heard and it completely takes over my brain.

“A change in priorities” is the only rationale agency spokeswoman Jan Walker gave to Wired News.Įver since I started writing these, I get people tweeting me suggestions on conspiracies every day. Darpa hasn’t provided an explanation for LifeLog’s quiet cancellation. Researchers close to the project say they’re not sure why it was dropped late last month. But civil libertarians immediately pounced on the project when it debuted last spring, arguing that LifeLog could become the ultimate tool for profiling potential enemies of the state. LifeLog’s backers said the all-encompassing diary could have turned into a near-perfect digital memory, giving its users computerized assistants with an almost flawless recall of what they had done in the past.